Monday 19 May 2008

100 things people have swallowed - book 2

Alongside the envelope idea i developed my book into a fully bound book, taking on the aesthetics of an x-ray envelope for the cover and the organisation of the chapters are the same as that of the envelope book i produced earlier. This has been an ongoing task to get the second book finished, as other briefs have taken priority. I am pleased with the outcome and from the final crit before, saying the envelope type book was hard to read, this one still fits well with th concept but makes it easier for the user to read. One downside to having the pages fully bound means the acetate pages cannot be taken out and put towards the light or a light box, so the 3rd idea i had was to create a series of envelopes with the sections in for the user to take out the pages and put up towards the light box - similar to that of x-rays on the light box when they are under a consultation. Having a series of envelope will make the individual sections easier to read. So watch this space, i hope i can find the time to see how this idea works out!

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