Friday 13 June 2008

TGI Summer...

This is my 3rd "day off" I've read some books like i said i would in my evaluation, pat on the back for me, they were:

Went for the summer brief yesterday, Thankfully! Stop my brain from freezing over. I plan to do some of my own stuff this summer but its good having a brief for the 2nd year, makes me feel like i'm still working towards something. I don't think i've ever enjoyed a year in education as mush as this (yes you wrote this) I feel sad saying that but nevermind, it's probably because i've learned about what i'm interested in, and it hasn't felt like education, eugh i hate that word. Saw a clip of Tony Blair on the news other day when he blabbered on about education, education, education he turned the word sour.

Anyway enough of that rant...
I've also started reading

again, which is on our 2nd yr book list. I read it at the beginning of the 1st year but i must admit it makes more sense now than it did before.

As a final note to me, i plan to blog often over the summer to keep my head in the right place, so Jane when you read this back and you haven't done, blame yourself and feel ashamed, i should say IF you haven't done. Obviously i don't have much faith in me. who am i talking to? me? you? if there is a you? i confuse myself sometimes on here. Lets just say both.

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